Information For Authors

Guidelines for authors

Nature of the works

Contributions received for possible publication must be original results of academic work or high-level medical practice in the field of Communication, Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics.

Non-simultaneous postulation 

The submitted works must be unpublished and their authors undertake to not simultaneously submit them to other publications, this way it is necessary to attach the Statement of originality.

Extension and format 

The articles in full (title, authors, adscriptions, abstracts, body of article, illustration legends and references) must have a 1.5 spacing, letter size format (21.5 x 28 cm), 2.5 cm margins, Times New Roman, 12 points. Any word processor is accepted, including tables (PDF files will not be accepted). The text must not include abbreviations, only international symbols. The articles will be exclusively received in English, in the case of non-English-speaking authors, the submission must be previously proofread.

Anonymity in the authors's indentities

The articles must neither include in the body nor in the footnotes any information that reveals the authors’ identity, this with a view to ensuring an anonymous review by the referees. After the possible acceptance of the collaboration, all the identifying information shall be included in the front page.  

Front page content

In a separate file, other than the article’s, the following must be included:

  1. Article title: in Spanish and English, it is recommended that it is brief and descriptive (ideally under 15 words).
  2. Names and surnames of the authors: in the strict order intended for publication. The order and number of authors shall not be modified after submission (for further information see: Author’s obligations and Policies regarding authorship).
  3. Authors’ ID: it is essential that each and every author provides their ORCID, for further information, access
  4. CRediT taxonomy: it is essential to describe each and every author’s contribution in function of CRediT taxonomy (for further information, see: Policies regarding authorship).
  5. Ascription institution and country of each and every author: only the first level institution must be mentioned, with no initials, acronyms or translations of the institutions’ names (unless non-western characters are used).
  6. Indicate the corresponding author: name, address, telephone and email address (for further information, see: Policies regarding authorship).
  7. Acknowledgements: in the case there are.
  8. Declaration of absence of conflicts of interest.
  9. Disclose the funding source; in the case there is none, explicitly indicate so.


All the abstracts must be written both in Spanish and English in an understandable way so that the reader finds a concise and adequate summary of the work. Abstracts must not include bibliographic references, acronyms —save in the case they are indispensable for drafting conciseness.

For Original articles, abstracts will have a maximum extension of 250 words and must be structured with the following sections, in the order given, both in Spanish and English:

  1. Goal
  2. Design, methodology or approach
  3. Results
  4. Limitations or implications of the study
  5. Originality or relevance
  6. Findings or conclusions

For Clinical cases, abstracts will have a maximum extension of 200 words and must be structured with the following sections, in the order given, both in Spanish and English:

  1. Description of the clinical case
  2. Relevance
  3. Clinical implications
  4. Conclusions

For Review articles, abstracts will have a maximum extension of 200 words and must be structured with the following sections, in the order given, both in Spanish and English:

  1. Brief description of the topic
  2. Relevance
  3. Conclusions

For Brief communications, abstracts must have a maximum extension of 70 words and must be structured with the following sections, in the order given, both in Spanish and English:

  1. Brief description of the topic
  2. Conclusions



After the abstracts in Spanish and English, 3 to 5 keywords will be included, following the standard defined by Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

Contents of collaborations

Original articles: the body of text of Original articles will comprise the following sections:

  1. Background
  2. Materials and Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusions
  6. References in Vancouver format
  7. Tables (placed in sequential order, after the references, never in the text) with their respective headings and legends.
  8. Figures, progressively numbered, with their respective headings and legends.

Clinical cases: the body of text of Clinical cases will comprise the following sections:

  1. Background
  2. Clinical case
  3. Discussion
  4. References in Vancouver format
  5. Tables (placed in sequential order, after the references, never in the text) with their respective headings and legends.
  6. Figures, progressively numbered, with their respective headings and legends.

Review articles: they can be divided into sections with appropriate titles and subtitles. Tables and figures must follow the format above. The maximum number of references is 50 (Vancouver format), taking care or reporting recent references.

Brief communications: they will not be divided into sections, no more than five references (Vancouver format) are allowed. Tables and figures must follow the format above and will not be more than 3 (or one of each). In this case, no more than five authors will be accepted.

Letters to the editor: they must be written as a response to any content already published in Journal of Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics, references must be provided (no more than 5 in Vancouver format) and never more than two authors.

Elaboration of references

Use of reference management software

Priority will be given to contributions that deliver references standardized by using any reference management software such as: Zotero, Bibme, Reference Manager, RefWorks, EndNote, or any other compatible with scientific-medical edition.

References' DOI 

When applicable —particularly in references to electronic documents— the corresponding DOI must be provided. 

Vancouver citation style

Vancouver citation style will be utilized. References must be listed and numbered in their order of appearance, with the corresponding citation as a superscript (no parentheses, no spaces, separated by commas and dashes in the case of more than two in a row). They will be copy-pasted as in the cited source, this is: authors, article title, journal name, year, period, volume, number, pages and DOI (if applicable).  

Journal articles: a) Surnames and initials of all the authors; b) article title; c) name or initials of the journal; d) year; volume (number): pages.

  1. Erb J, Ludwig AA, Kunke D, Fuchs M, Obleser J. Temporal Sensitivity Measured Shortly After Cochlear Implantation Predicts 6-Month Speech Recognition Outcome. Ear and Hearing. 2019;40(1):27–33. DOI:

Books: a) Surnames and initials of all the authors; b) title and subtitle; c) edition (if it is not the first); d) city; e) publishing house; f) year.

  1. Jones H. Talk to Me: Conversation Strategies for Parents of Children on the Autism Spectrum or with Speech and Language Impairments, London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014.

Book chapter: a) Surnames and initials of all the authors of the chapter; b) chapter title; c) editors, authors, compilers of the book; d) book title; e) edition (if it is not the first); f) city; g) publishing house; h) year; i) pages.

  1. Camilla NC, Hannah LG, Jason DW. Chapter 34 - Acquired amusia. Aminoff MJ, Boller F, Swaab DF (eds). The Human Auditory System. Fundamental Organization and Clinical Disorders. Elsevier. 2015;129:607-631. DOI:

Figures and tables


  1. Titles will be presented in the same page as the figures, in the upper part (heading), indicating the number of the corresponding figure (with Arabic numerals) (Ex.: Figure 1. Title).
  2. Abbreviations shall be written in the lower part and must include their definition.
  3. Figures must be sent separately as indicated by the electronic management system.
  4. Figures must be delivered in high-resolution TIFF or JPG format (300 dpi or higher).
  5. No text must be included in the figure. Every text, either heading or legend shall be written at the end of the references.
  6. Photographs of anatomic parts must be preferably against a black background.


  1. Tables must be produced in world processor; they must not be images.
  2. Each table must occupy one page.
  3. The heading will bear the table number in Arabic numerals, followed by the title according to the order or appearance in the text (Ex.: Table 1. Title)
  4. Abbreviations shall be written in the lower part and must include their definition.
  5. Eight tables at most.

Legal requirements to submit manuscripts

Journal of Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics neither makes nor receives payments for receiving, processing and publishing texts. Manuscripts submitted for possible publication in JAOP must sent the following documents in their entirety and final version over the OJS platform. No submission will be accepted if sent otherwise:

  1. Statement of originality and non-duplicity, this letter has to be filled in with the data of the author and in the case of articles by two or more authors, each and every author’s data have to be provided. The corresponding author, who has to provide an email address and a telephone number, must be clearly identified.
  2. Transfer letter of patrimonial rights, it must be filled in and signed by all the authors. In the case of articles by two or more authors, each and every author’s data have to be provided, and the corresponding author must be identified.
  3. In the case of previously published material, whose content is subject to copyright —graphs, images, photographs, artistic work, etc., either by the author(s) or third parties—, a copy of the reproduction authorization from the holder of the patrimonial rights must be delivered.
  4. Photographs or images where patients appear must be accompanied by their respective Informed Consent, as established in Authors’ obligations in JAOP.
  5. Attach the full content of the article as defined in Guidelines for authors according to the section in which it is intended to publish.

No changes will be accepted once the process starts.

Technical requirements to submit manuscripts

In order to deliver material, the following criteria must be considered:

  1. Deliver textual content in electronic formats for word processor with no password (submitting textual files as PDFs will not be accepted).
  2. Deliver photographs and images as electronic files in JPG format (or compatible) of at least a 300-dpi resolution.
  3. It is essential to attach graphs, tables or charts in a separate spreadsheet. The images of graphs, tables or charts are not suitable for the editorial process.

Once all the submission requirements are met, the text will be sent to Editorial Review.

Authors’ rights

According to the current Copyright legislation, Journal of Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics recognizes and respects  the authors’ moral right, as well as the ownership of patrimonial right, which will be transferred –in a nonexclusive manner– to the journal in order to legally disseminate it in Open Access.

The authors may enter independent and additional contractual agreements for the nonexclusive distribution of the version of the article published in JAOP (for instance including it into an institutional repository or disseminate it over printed or electronic media), as long as it is clearly and explicitly stated that the work was published for the first time in Journal of Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics.

For all the above, the authors must submit the form of Transfer letter of patrimonial rights of the first publication duly filled in and signed by the authors. This form must be sent together with the manuscript over the OJS platform.